Beloved welcome you very warmly on Friday night. Already dusk outside the window, after all, already passed the 21st hour But day can be much longer than those winter days. Just let the weather stabilizes, that's at all will be super. Today was nice, albeit chilly, the sun shone, however, until the zachodzu. However, the last days were very mad because once the sun shone, it rained again, and for this very windy, brr horror.
Soon we enter into Holy Week and Easter will be expected. They are true that najważnejsze for Catholics, but I wish there Christmas. Easter is not in itself that something of this magic, and after that it only lasts two days :-).
powysyłałam cards already, so for the next week will remain I sprzątanko. Oh I do not like, I do not like Christmas because I wrarzenie orders that you have to clean up if they so accurately as if the house does not clean up.
In ogle a bit of a Christmas this year wyobrarzam not because I think the two holidays because of a ięknej anniversary we'll have a party. Not supposed to be at all acceptable, and here ... and it will double. Well we'll see how it goes.
today I was at the barber cut my hair. I did it highlights, and so does not look like the head I have something new.
In closing, I ask for I am curious like you are going to prepare and what you have Christmas plans. Yours
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