Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Many Days To Return Phone Policy Radio Shack

Maundy Thursday

Hi you very warmly in the beautiful day. It is beautiful in many ways.
Firstly the weather - it is wonderful, even the warm evening, the sun has set, it is dark, but somehow already wiosennie, wonderful. Well, I must tell you that today is the first day of spring, when it no longer smoke in the central. The fact that the blocks are long heat. But I and my relatives are ciepłolubni so he knows just when it is cooler, it consists of a fire and have radiator is warm and the temperature in the apartment becomes different. Still may be different, they might have will keep on fire, but Pukke what, I'm glad to be a natural ciepełkiem.

today at a workshop we had a solemn Easter breakfast. Although there were no guests, but as always it was nice, and the tables do not run anything. Not brakł a prayer and meditation on the meaning of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus.

Today, Holy Thursday, that day is according to me has that something that has the most beautiful liturgy among all other holidays. Maundy Thursday - so much fun, so much sorrow and pain. Solemn mass at which najpier thank you Lord Jesus for the establishment of the Last Supper, the Blessed Sacrament, thank you for the establishment of the priesthood ... and then with regret and great sorrow of the Lord Jesus escorted to prison. Like a Holy Mass, but today it is in itself this extraordinary power. I just got back from church, and though I'm a little cold, it pleases me very much, that I could attend this mass.

Tomorrow Good Friday evening in all the Churches will be held from Adoration of the Cross devotions. Perhaps tomorrow I can not go to church. But on Saturday, I'll go for the hour of adoration and of course the święconki.

the end of this post, I wish you a beautiful experience of the Paschal Tridum!


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