kwiatnia Today 10 - a day that probably forever for all Poles will remain in memory. It seems that it so recently, and it's already passed one year after the fateful plane crash in Smolensk. 96 people were killed there, among them President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, and many prominent people. Terrible tragedy, the most suffering families of those who departed.
But I think that zadużo noise is around this incident. It is known to be mentioned in the media of the dead, we should mention what happened, but according to me not on such a large scale. Today really on any television channel scrolls are one and the same topic - Smolensk. And again I repeat that I have nothing against this in order to not talk about it, but if you so much. Give Eternal Resting dead, and families in peace let wounds heal. So all of this hurts me, because so many accidents happening on the road, I remember, too, somewhere years ago, at about this time, killed eighteen people going for bread or a few years ago, pilgrims were killed in Grenoble and this is not talking! Those with no regrets, is unsympathetic to the families? Needless to say? I gave only two such disasters but their is plenty. Gad, a lot at the beginning and then, then forgotten ... why? I know the president did not die there! I am more than confident that if not dead in Smolensk the presidential couple is certainly so much to make up for this disaster did not talk. So please, let's not get crazy, why do so many divisions, misunderstandings , Truth, and so we will never know. Perhaps as the truth about Katyn know until the next generation.
let politics goes her way and let the dead rest in peace!
I had yet to write something here, but let it remain such a notice, that is.
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