Friday, April 29, 2011

Cute Hairstyles To Go Snowboarding In

deep inside i found myself ...

inside ... la Maginot line ... Molvange ...

Canon T70/50mm...ORWO 125ISO S/ hand...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Can Muscle Cars Be Daily Drivers?

Healthy, happy holidays

Easter is the feast of the Resurrection

a time of faith know

Let the great Christmas night

will be filled with divine power.
Let health permitting,

egg tastes good

Thursday, April 21, 2011

How Many Days To Return Phone Policy Radio Shack

Maundy Thursday

Hi you very warmly in the beautiful day. It is beautiful in many ways.
Firstly the weather - it is wonderful, even the warm evening, the sun has set, it is dark, but somehow already wiosennie, wonderful. Well, I must tell you that today is the first day of spring, when it no longer smoke in the central. The fact that the blocks are long heat. But I and my relatives are ciepłolubni so he knows just when it is cooler, it consists of a fire and have radiator is warm and the temperature in the apartment becomes different. Still may be different, they might have will keep on fire, but Pukke what, I'm glad to be a natural ciepełkiem.

today at a workshop we had a solemn Easter breakfast. Although there were no guests, but as always it was nice, and the tables do not run anything. Not brakł a prayer and meditation on the meaning of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus.

Today, Holy Thursday, that day is according to me has that something that has the most beautiful liturgy among all other holidays. Maundy Thursday - so much fun, so much sorrow and pain. Solemn mass at which najpier thank you Lord Jesus for the establishment of the Last Supper, the Blessed Sacrament, thank you for the establishment of the priesthood ... and then with regret and great sorrow of the Lord Jesus escorted to prison. Like a Holy Mass, but today it is in itself this extraordinary power. I just got back from church, and though I'm a little cold, it pleases me very much, that I could attend this mass.

Tomorrow Good Friday evening in all the Churches will be held from Adoration of the Cross devotions. Perhaps tomorrow I can not go to church. But on Saturday, I'll go for the hour of adoration and of course the święconki.

the end of this post, I wish you a beautiful experience of the Paschal Tridum!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What Does The Gun Tattoo Stand For

Our little brothers ...

Sometimes for variety's sake we should change our models;)


This is my first here foty done with the rings on a full man page :)


Friday, April 15, 2011

Waverunner Jet Ski Vx110 Deluxe

week for us already this year

Beloved welcome you very warmly on Friday night. Already dusk outside the window, after all, already passed the 21st hour But day can be much longer than those winter days. Just let the weather stabilizes, that's at all will be super. Today was nice, albeit chilly, the sun shone, however, until the zachodzu. However, the last days were very mad because once the sun shone, it rained again, and for this very windy, brr horror.

Soon we enter into Holy Week and Easter will be expected. They are true that najważnejsze for Catholics, but I wish there Christmas. Easter is not in itself that something of this magic, and after that it only lasts two days :-).

powysyłałam cards already, so for the next week will remain I sprzątanko. Oh I do not like, I do not like Christmas because I wrarzenie orders that you have to clean up if they so accurately as if the house does not clean up.

In ogle a bit of a Christmas this year wyobrarzam not because I think the two holidays because of a ięknej anniversary we'll have a party. Not supposed to be at all acceptable, and here ... and it will double. Well we'll see how it goes.

today I was at the barber cut my hair. I did it highlights, and so does not look like the head I have something new.

In closing, I ask for I am curious like you are going to prepare and what you have Christmas plans. Yours

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Healing Stages Of Ring Worm

longest word in Europe # 2

So the second part of the April przeplatanki Michałowo-Simon's;)



Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Selling One's Organs: The Pros And Cons

longest word in Europe # 1

So as the topic - interspersed with some of Simon, a little Michael:)



by Ada


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Harley-davidson Birthday Cards

kwiatnia Today 10 - a day that probably forever for all Poles will remain in memory. It seems that it so recently, and it's already passed one year after the fateful plane crash in Smolensk. 96 people were killed there, among them President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, and many prominent people. Terrible tragedy, the most suffering families of those who departed.

But I think that zadużo noise is around this incident. It is known to be mentioned in the media of the dead, we should mention what happened, but according to me not on such a large scale. Today really on any television channel scrolls are one and the same topic - Smolensk. And again I repeat that I have nothing against this in order to not talk about it, but if you so much. Give Eternal Resting dead, and families in peace let wounds heal. So all of this hurts me, because so many accidents happening on the road, I remember, too, somewhere years ago, at about this time, killed eighteen people going for bread or a few years ago, pilgrims were killed in Grenoble and this is not talking! Those with no regrets, is unsympathetic to the families? Needless to say? I gave only two such disasters but their is plenty. Gad, a lot at the beginning and then, then forgotten ... why? I know the president did not die there! I am more than confident that if not dead in Smolensk the presidential couple is certainly so much to make up for this disaster did not talk. So please, let's not get crazy, why do so many divisions, misunderstandings , Truth, and so we will never know. Perhaps as the truth about Katyn know until the next generation.

let politics goes her way and let the dead rest in peace!

I had yet to write something here, but let it remain such a notice, that is.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Six Days Late Negative Pregnancy Test

Musica teresa Kästel


Minolta X500/ 50mm/ Kodak Elite Chrome 100 ISO