Monday, February 14, 2011

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Actually, I did not write today, because something like that ... too much emotion, but I have a few moments to click play.

Valentine's Day - the feast of love, the day he never liked. Probably if I was happy, in love with this person I loved this holiday, przysparzało it to me a lot of fun. But it is and probably will remain so. Valentine came to us from abroad and is this holiday commercial. People spend a lot of money on Valentine's Day gifts, sweets. Often give each other them, even friends.
I believe that nothing would have happened if the holiday in Poland did not exist.

But it is, and I also for this reason every year suffer. As every year, I do not know, perhaps hoping, waiting for a miracle in itself ... I know what I bought a chocolate for Valentine's Day. And what, I gave it to him saying, "is from the Valentine's Day :-)" and he took the chocolate, as if her spodziwał, as if I had to give it to him and odburknął under the nose, with great effort, "thanks." I was speechless, because this is not what I expected ... do believe in miracles? No, but I thought that, although tight, that will reward se stupid lollipops - and nothing! Just nothing! Today I know that never again will not buy him anything. But it's still a year or when it will have its Christmas I'll do the same thing again.

I know, I do not have to count on the love of his hand, but Waletynki is a day that even the friends receive small gifts, and I stayed Well Olana. I'm sorry, so when I heal up from this sick love, when we cease to suffer. When!

Lots of songs about her was
lot of poets have written poems,
only no one can say
why pezez MIOŚĆ
people have to suffer


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