Thursday, February 3, 2011

Af 6 Days Late Bfn Clearblue

Hello dear!
her but I am glad that I have once more observers and people who comment and read, fun, fun ... until I feel guilty that I write so rarely. But what to do.

Again I would have loitering about the passage of time, no because it is true that time is speeding like a madman. Already in February, soon to be 4 years as he came home to our little biscuit labradorek, toto was so scared, since we have taken. And now that the dog grew out of that hey. This animal to the borders of spoiled and self-confident. Sometimes even get nervous when I have more than lying to "master" Boris, because what was there. He knows that no one stepped, although to me a few times it happened. that nobody will do him harm. He knows what to do to get to eat, or to attract attention. He knows everything and the words "we," "walk", "leash" is the deepest sleep, if only to snatch it. This is my beloved pup, I can not imagine the world after him, seized all my heart, my no, and all family members. Well, I do not know even if he wanted to dislike him, then when the heated such mordeczka człwiekowi lie down on my knees, when the licks ... it can not be odżucić, do not rub. Her may be enough about this to my dog, but I'm worried, because racial człapki less live, and I can not imagine what will happen once ...

Beloved, two wonderful girls, Magda and Martin have created a blog Fri "Book of hope," and organized a campaign with the same title. About the same share can be read precisely in this blgou And she is writing about books, which brought us comfort, perhaps podpowiedziały how to live in difficult situations. Probably every one of you has in mind a book that in some way contributed to your life and bring comfort, hope. I have a fervent request - write about these books to dziecznyn, and your Meile, or fragments thereof, will be published on the blog. Technical Note - for many reasons I do not want to give your emailiowego, but very simply write to Martha and Magda, clicking on the link to their blog, "write to us."

I have a huge request, zaintersujcie to this action. For the girls THANK YOU!


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