Monday, May 16, 2011

Whatever Happened To The Soul Train Dancers


serdeczmie Hi!
How I love this May, this is such a wonderful month I in many respects. First of all the colors of nature are still such a vivid, natural, not tired blazing sun-years, and to smell the flowers. The fact that the weather is different, of course, the weekend broke down, but it's nothing, after all the rain it is useful so long as there was no flooding again like last year.

Yesterday afternoon I went with my parents for a walk. In fact, I did not know what to do, because I go I do not want too much - because I was cold outside, but also in the house I did not want to sit, and somehow, I decided that I was not przejdę.Wbrew appearances az so cold, and walk with a break kawkową Aunt was very pleasant.

In my last nothing particularly interesting happens. Again I returned to the mailing list Kei. Again, it is fun, is what pogoadać.

After that, I live longer trip, a week on Monday of the workshops I go to Vienna, I will also visit Bratislava.

Best wishes!


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