Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dog Ear Infection Vinegar Peroxide

Under the sun ...

Zaczyna się znowu od podlewania pod folią ;) ale za to z ciekawszym światłem niż poprzednio. Dalej już będzie poza namiotem i z jeszcze bardziej niepoprawnym światłem wg starych książek o fotografii ;)



Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hologram Store For Driver License

In the hood ... Artificially

... with a stroll one.
raining. We hid under the trees.



Play With Stress Fracture

All traffic lights to RED

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Pokemon Platinum Rom English 2010


We distinguish ourselves happy one, in a small room, the so-called individualists mutually devour and ever exercise of sheer fear what out there all so pounce on them.
I in between, a partner jointly responsible, Mitfresser, with comfortable, full of aggression .... fear panic, blind destructiveness and envy.
Yes and the egomaniacal mind always wants to re-take possession of me announce constantly and symbiotic merging together are recognized and admired loved then hated and angry.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Knit Beanie With Bill

in nature ... Under

... or strobing in the outdoors:)
this time in the outdoors for the first time I played with some modifier on the lamp. Here was a white transparent umbrella. Photos virtually without treatment, I wanted to show how light can help the picture quality. Everywhere is ISO 200, the apertures close to 5.6, and they were shadowed areas, or typical images of the sun.




Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kenwood Amp Power Light Fades After Turning On

Again, I'm glad the weekend

Hello dear!
I am very glad that you and those you read my "scribble", me here lately not too much, because it already is, that when it gets warmer I spend more time outdoors. And I'm glad, because the last days are really warm. Even sometimes, the pogrzmi even predict rain for tomorrow. Today, it thundered, but fortunately for a moment, then took up a breeze and the clouds have gone. You know, I do not like storms, I do not know, but I am afraid of them, though I know that in theory, nothing can stand, but ... sometimes in different ways, therefore, as I prefer the day when it thunders than at night.

t wonder how it will continue, because the heat is just the beginning, and I hate them not the best. When I'm on the outside is ok, some go home wa weakened, suppressed, I do not know ... I just hope it's temporary.

few days ago with us was a terrible accident. Grandmother drove a car and do not know how it happened that przekoziołkowała the neighbor of the garden. Fortunately, no one lives there. The trees blur, cleared the fence, autko little too, and the girl, nothing happened. Former police, ambulance gard but did not have be. In szkoku I am, because it was an incredible roar, and until a miracle that this is how it ended.

On Monday I am going on a trip to Prague and Vienna - for 4 days. I hope that the trip will be successful because it is happy on this trip, and now somehow my emotions have subsided. Well, but we'll see.

Best wishes!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Which Last Longer Silicone

film ...

-garden season begins;)
straaasznie Michael likes to help in the earthworks.
Oh yes:


Well ? anyone can get boring;)


Stds And Body Tingles

... fading away ...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Whatever Happened To The Soul Train Dancers


serdeczmie Hi!
How I love this May, this is such a wonderful month I in many respects. First of all the colors of nature are still such a vivid, natural, not tired blazing sun-years, and to smell the flowers. The fact that the weather is different, of course, the weekend broke down, but it's nothing, after all the rain it is useful so long as there was no flooding again like last year.

Yesterday afternoon I went with my parents for a walk. In fact, I did not know what to do, because I go I do not want too much - because I was cold outside, but also in the house I did not want to sit, and somehow, I decided that I was not przejdę.Wbrew appearances az so cold, and walk with a break kawkową Aunt was very pleasant.

In my last nothing particularly interesting happens. Again I returned to the mailing list Kei. Again, it is fun, is what pogoadać.

After that, I live longer trip, a week on Monday of the workshops I go to Vienna, I will also visit Bratislava.

Best wishes!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dull Pain In Upper Left Quadrant Pain

brothers and their relationship:)

Very few images here, where you can see both Michael and Simon. Even more pleased that I managed to shoot them together, and particularly that it can be seen here some mutual behavior. Just like on a daily basis. So indifference is intertwined with interest. Having fun with various strange (not to use the word aggressive) behavior;)

They Here:


* **
Finally, the agreement - shared ride;)
