Sunday, June 8, 2008

Individual Donation Letters For Arts

Develop a Positive Mental Attitude, Success Ladder As K3

Here are tips from me so that we always obey the K3, we must realize that the real K3 is a necessity for us.

1.Marilah we develop a positive mental attitude toward a company that we love from ourselves, from this moment and start from small things. I believe no matter how small a positive mental attitude that we develop if done a lot of people will bring a good impact on the company and will become a culture.
2.Marilah we realize that in case of accident to ourselves, then who bear the losses are many parties ourselves, our families, our environment, companies and other parties. Therefore, let us avoid and stay away in unsafe action slightest.
3.Marilah we understand that the management system of K3 is very useful to us either directly or indirectly, the key to success depends on our own SMK3.
4.Marilah we learn to accept criticism, suggestion, proposal, warning of another person, especially related to the K3 because it indirectly reminds us that human nature is wrong and forget there are by nature and humans live in this world only once.

Hopefully helpful, amen.


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