Thursday, February 25, 2010

Windowblinds Craccato


the holiday of the day ..... my favorite ones from my country.
As a child I nibbled the likes. Unfortunately, my mother made far too often .... usually only once a year ..... the "Fat Thursday" (the last Thursday of Carnival)
I make them often ..... and will usually go probably faster.
"Faworki" gabs with me today to "birthday breakfast table with my girlfriends.

200 g flour 3-4 tablespoons sour cream

3 egg yolks pinch of salt, drops of vodka into
1-2 liters oil for frying

all ingredients in a bowl and knead a dough therefrom.
Add flour as needed so the dough does not stick to hands.
vigorously with the rolling pin and beat the dough rest for 10 minutes.
roll out and shape the dough "Faworki.
I tried to explain the use of pictures as it goes.
actually quite simple.

First Cut out squares and cut each rectangle in a slit.

Then pull the right end from above through the slot and has already finished the biscuit.
in the hot oil (in the pot) until golden brown.
Place on a paper towel and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
day later, they taste even better!

For me, the cookies should be thin and light as a feather, filled with large numbers of air bubbles. Only then
taste really good. We see
's ;-)

And who still need the clothes still looks fast
now go to the first auctions end ;-)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dog With Busted Blood Vessel In Eye

time for the Rose Monday I sign out of my back loooong break!
I thank you very much for all the genes Sung wishes and the expressed condolences!
I'm doing well again in the circumstances!
I'm back at the sewing and in my " Kellerchen " a lot of work waiting for me!
Well first pictures of carnival.
Alina as pirate!
costume: top of Burda (maidens) in part by the Rock Bowznstuff leaves Rock.
belt designed himself to a cloth and a purchased hat!
Malte as a snowman!
costume: a little of the top Vijona down from Madison . Simply cut scarf, hat bought!